Monday, July 29, 2013

Lido por aí #5

Ali, perante mim, estavam os futuros deputados da nação.

traumatizante é ser criado por gente imbecil e não contra isso não há leis.

O pior de vomitar não é o vómito, é aquela angústia antes do vómito, aquele impasse, é agora, não é agora, será que vou ou não vomitar, será que vou vomitar tudo de uma vez ou vou estar meio-dia nisto, de meia em meia hora a olhar para o fundo da sanita.

Prefiro males radicais e imediatos do que o sofrimento constante e angustiante da espera.

Mais idem.

De resto, acho comovente que meia dúzia de totós ande por aí com a crença do natural e tal. Espero que também não tenham electricidade em casa, credo, que aquilo tem raios e campos e assim que fazem mal e coiso. Anda o Bill Gates a gastar a sua fortuna a tentar erradicar doenças mediante vacinação, e às tantas melhor fazia a distribuir frasquinhos de água, digo, "medicamentos" homeopáticos.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Da grande pausa

“It seems likely we are going to enter a period of very low solar activity and could mean we are in for very cold winters.” And while the researchers in the US said the data showed a decline in activity, they had no way to predict what that might mean for the future. Dick Ahlstrom

Rising temperatures, influenced by natural events such as El Niño, have a corresponding increase in the release of carbon dioxide from tropical forest ecosystems, according to a new study out today. - CSIRO

The scientific questions posed by the current pause in global surface warming require us to understand in much greater detail the flows of energy into, out of, and around the Earth system. - UK MetOffice

Lots of “our understanding is getting better” and not a lot of “nobody has a clue what’s going on”.  - Bishop Hill

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Scout "Finch" Niblett

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Das minhas bandas - adenda

Goldfrapp (Tales of Us, com direito a tour europeia), Kings of Leon (Mechanical Bull, com direito a passagem pelo Alive!) e Arcade Fire (ávec James Murphy) com álbuns novos em Setembro e Outubro.

Wake me up, when September starts.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Take Perfect Bachelorette

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

The Climate Speech

President Obama gave a long awaited speech announcing his climate plan. In an emotional appeal, he invoked the spirit of Apollo missions, apparently unaware that some of the veterans of the Apollo team formed The Right Climate Stuff research team (TRCS) that directly challenges the claims of the official Washington science that human emissions of carbon dioxide are causing dangerous global warming.
The president used the term carbon pollution some 20 times, demonstrating how the unfortunate Supreme Court decision that carbon dioxide is a pollutant that can be regulated under the Clean Air Act has infected official thinking in Washington. Many do not realize they are carbon based life forms and that in the act of breathing they increase the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) of the air they use by 100 times, inhaling 4 parts per 10,000 and exhaling 400 parts per 10,000. In his speech the president lumped carbon with mercury, sulfur, and arsenic, known toxins.