Friday, December 21, 2012

2012 in Movies

"What happens when you put together an Oscar-nominated director, an Oscar-nominated writer, multiple Oscar-nominated or Oscar-winning actors and the kind of wide-ranging, ensemble, issue-base drama that paid off for Oscar-winners "Traffic" and "Crash?" You get Fernando Meirelles' "360," a film that's about as much fun as, and has all the artistic value of, being beaten about the head with an Oscar."

"5. "Life Of Pi" - 2012's most ravishing film; reinvigorates the case for 3D

7. "Rust And Bone" - Audiard twists melodramatic convention to marvellous effect; Cotillard is out of this world"

"(...) The leads in "Bachelorette" ring truer than most female characters do in film these days, for better or worse. Headland has created the kind of female characters that are severely underrepresented, ones with actual problems, who aren’t always nice but also have shades of grey, are at least semi-functional and maybe talk to each other about something other than a dude once in a while."

1 comment:

Home Automation Laredo said...

Thanks ffor a great read